Reply to the comment on “Sommerfeld effect as the vertex correction in three-dimensional space”

A review report on our paper was received last week. For some unexpected reasons, it is the only peer-review report which we have received for nearly two years.
In seminars initiated by us, we always highlighted some interesting points at the beginnings: the failure of the classical nonfinding probability; the unprovablity for the postulates in quantum physics, etc. 
Thus,after submitting the response, we decide to update the reply here (a title added), and hope it can be helpful for the readers who may be interested in the paper.


Sommerfeld effect as the vertex correction in three-dimensional space

It is shown that the correction to the vertex for fermion pair annihilation and production in the low-energy region is equal to the value of the wave function for the two-body system at the origin. The procedure also shows directly that the emergence of the Sommerfeld effect in quantum mechanics is the product of the reduction of the vertex correction from four spacetime dimensions to three-dimensional space. Meanwhile, the reciprocal wave function is introduced into quantum mechanics.